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Nanomaterials, Energy & Surface Science Lab

The focus area of our group includes  Nanomaterials in energy harvesting & storage, Renewable Energy, Dielectric Spectroscopy, Piezoelectric Properties, Growth and structural characterization of functional nanomaterials and thin films, Gas Sensing Performance of 2D Nanomaterials/Metal Oxide Nanocomposites, In-situ X-ray scattering, Hybrid organic/inorganic memory elements for integration of electronic and photonic circuitry, Plasmonics,  Self-assembly, and Phase transition.  We are proud to have a dynamic and creative, collaborative, and open-minded Research group and state-of-the-art experimental and characterization facilities.

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Home: Welcome

Our article "Thermal Crowning Mechanism in Gold-Silica Nanocomposites: Plasmonic-photonic Pairing in Archetypal Two-dimensional Structures" published in  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. has been selected as a 2021 HOT PCCP article

Utsav defends his Thesis

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Vishakha selected for the Prime Minister's Research Fellowship! Congratulations!


Nanoscale Tweets on our research!

Nisha defends her Thesis!

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Manoj receives Best Poster Award in Workshop on Perovskites from Fraunhofer Institute of Solar energy!

Research Focus and Current Interests

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Contact Us

Indian Institute of Technology, Palaj, Gujarat 382355, India

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